
01. Completely pre-filled text describing the entire process for a documentary style photographer
02. Image placeholders that you simply drag and drop
03. Standard magazine sizing for print or PDF
04. A PDF guide on using Canva templates and creating client magazines


Are you looking to level up your client experience? This magazine guide will help to create a seamless process for your clients. This version includes all the pre-filled text - the exact version that TAD marriage clients receive upon booking their collection. Keep the parts that work for you, and remove the ones that don't. A fully customizable Canva template.

client marriage magazine TEMPLATE

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Delivered as a digital Canva template, this 60 page magazine can be edited and then printed as a true magazine, or downloaded and saved to your client portal for PDF viewing. Your clients will have all their questions answers pre-emptively, and you'll find your process to be smoother than ever before.